Get started - Setup & implementation
Setting up Corma in 5 easy steps and in only 10 mintues.
Last updated
Setting up Corma in 5 easy steps and in only 10 mintues.
Last updated
Time needed : 1 min
Connect to Corma via the link below to create your workspace at your first login. Choose either Google or Microsoft SSO to create the workspace (you will need admin priviledges to setup your company workspace)
Time needed : 1 min
For Corma to function you need to connect to your Identity Provider, also known as SSO (Single-Sign On). Today, Corma supports the IdPs of Google and Microsoft with Okta coming soon.
Microsoft Entra IDGoogle workspaceOktaTime needed : 5 min
To collect good data on software usage and efficiently manage access requests, your users need to deploy Corma's browser extension Don't worry, this can be done automatically by following the tutorials below or you can start by installing it for yourself only.
The browser extensionsTime needed : 1 min
To understand your software expenses and reduce your SaaS cost, you need to connect Corma to your finance and/or accounting tool to get data on your bills.
Finance and accountingTime needed : 1 min per app
With a direct integration you can (de-)provision in one click. Corma offers a wide range of integrations for standard applications to make your life as easy as possible.
SaaS applicationsTime needed : 1 min
For automated provisioning and de-provisioning, Corma connects to your HR tool to catch dates on- & off-boarding dates as well as the team of employees and other relevant data points for efficient operations and smooth employee experience.